SAR aircraft will become airbone as quickly as possible,
The SAR aircraft will contact DIRTY FACE on Channel "c"
for vector to the craft in distress,


Tho SAR aircraft will contact the distressed craft on
the latter's operating frequency, When within VHF range

of aircraft in distress, the SAR aircraft will contact

the aircraft in distress on Channel "D" (121.5 megacyclos),


The SAR aircraft will be cleared by ENIWETOK ACC to tho

altitude requested and tho intercept will be accomplished

using scope control directions fron the 40C, DR, Loran,
ARC-13 with 0-17 Low Frequoncy Oscillator, AN/ARA~8, VHF
Homing Adapter, APS-31, Mark 10 transponder, flares, Aldis
Lamp and lending lights as nocessary,



Escort will be given to the closest landing areca, dopending

upon the urgency of the situation,

Every cffort will be made to maintain SAR cormunication
with tho distressed aircraft on its oporating HF frequency,
411 othor radio traffic will be directed to discontinue
using the frequency and to maintain radio silence until
further notice,



If ditching is imminent, the SiR aircrow will givo all
directions and assistance to the distressed aircraft including:




Sea Conditions,

Wind Conditions,


Bost Ditching Hending,


Best Location for Ditching if Near Atoll,


Parachute Flare for Night Ditching,


Drop PP-1 flotation equipment to porsonnel, which
consists of two (2) 20 man life rafts, threo (3)
emergoncy sustenance kits, URC-4 radio, etc,

If pick-up of personnel is not possible, due to sea condition, for example, the SiR aircraft will circle the area

and assist in directing helicopter and/or surface craft
support to the distress target, The SAR aircraft will
transmit requests for additional roscue facilities to

the AOC on 6500 Kilocyclos, HF, VHF Channel "C", or on the operating frequency of the distross aircraft,


If a water pick-up is accomplished, survivors will be

evacuated and given necessary medical attention by the

acro-nedical technicion crew member,

STABLE aircraft will

advise the ENIWETOK 40C if medical facilities will be re-

quired upon landing et the bese,

SAR Coordination Procedures:


The scene of action ("on-scene") command of SAR operations

will bo exercised by the SA-16 aircraft,




Frequoncy for

Select target paragraph3