



contact will accept control from CASSIDY and report position four to the
status clerk. Controller #5 will then turn TIGER clement over to Controller

#6, for control to position five, approximately ninety (90) miles from

Eniwetok. DIRTY FACE will accept control upon establishing radio and radar
contact, The B-36 Samplers call sign FLOYD 1 and 2 will be a back up for
CASSIDY if CASSIDY should abort mission. Controller #5 will be prepared to
position FLOYD 1 or 2 in replacement position for CASSIDY; although the
primary mission of FLOYD aircraft will be cloud sampling with FLOYD 2 taking
off when FLOYD 1 returns to base. FLOYD aircraft during sampling will
position themselves with the controller maintaining a positive displayed
position on all aircraft through his teller. Controller #5 will be prepered

to furnish Rad/Safe information to CASSIDY 1 and FLOYD aircraft during

sampling operation and sea conditions to STABLE aircraft and aircraft in




Will begin his duties at start engino time for

ELAINE 2 in Annex © (Aircraft Mission Execution Chart). He will check

scope #6 and VKF Channel E to insure they are functioning properly and

have his teller check his communications with the effects status clerk
and plotter #2, He will monitor VHF Channel EF from take-off time for
ELAINE 2 in Annex © to receive a call from ELAINE 2 when approximately
ninety (90) miles from Rniwetok on course to assigned mission station

in Annex D (Aircraft H-hour Positions and Flight Patterns).

When positive

control is established with ELAINE 2, the teller will give the status
clerk position two and the time control is accepted from DIRTY FACE and
start giving three minute positions to the plotter. The controller will
give ELAINE 2 range and bearing to assigned mission station. When ELAINE 2

reaches mission station, position three, it will be reported to the status

clerk. The controller will continually monitor ELAINE 2 in his flight
pattern in Annex D. ELAINE 2 will primarily position himself and will
normally require no assitance if his equipment functions properly; although the controller will be responsible to closely monitor his position
and see that the track is plotted to assure the Senior Controller that ELAINE

2 will be in position at Hehour, Scope Controller #6 will instruct ELAINE
2 to switch to Channel B for all time hacks. Immediately after H-hour,
ELAINE 2 will proceed to base receiving range and bearing to base from the


Upon departing position three, mission station, the teller will

give position four to the status clerk, The controller will continue to
track and have ELAINE 2 plotted until approximately ninety (90) miles from
Fniwetok at which time he will instruct ELAINE 2 to switch to Channel C and
contact DIRTY FACE, He will continue to monitor Channel E until position

five (5) is confirmed by DIRTY FACE. After DIRTY FACE assumes control of

ELAINE 2, Scope Controller # will switch to Channel F and standby to assume —

control of the TIGER aircraft proceeding to the sampling area. Controller
#6 will assume control of TIGER aircraft and vector them to the Command
Ship area, He will notify Controller #5 when TIGER aircraft approach the
Command Ship area and Controller #5 will assume control and vector then
to the sampling area. Controller #5 will turn TIGER aircraft over to
Controller #6 for control upon departing the Command Ship area, mission
complete and return to base. Controller #6 will maintain control of

TIGER element until DIRTY FACE assumes control approximately ninety (90)

miles from Mniwetok,.



Will begin his duties at start engine time for

(Annex C, Aircraft Mission Execution Chart),

He will check scope

#7 and VHF Channel A to insure they are functioning properly and have his
teller check his communications with the effects status clerk and plotter


He will monitor VHF Channel A from take-off time for PEWTER 1 in

Annex C to receive a call from PEWTER 1 when approximately ninety (90) miles
from Fniwetok on course to assigned missinn station in Annex D (Aircraft H-

Hour Positions and Flight Patterns). When positicg control is established
with PEWTER 1, the teller will give the status clerk the time control is
accepted and start three minute position reporting to the plotter. ‘The
controller will give PEWTER 1 range and bearing to mission station. When

Pewter 1 reaches mission station, position three will be reported to the

status clerk, The controller will place PEWTER 1 in a starboard race track
pattern with approximately three (3) minute lees broadside to Ground Zero. The
controller will provide PINTER1 with range from Grotnd Zero each time he


Select target paragraph3