
CONTROLLER #4: Will begin his duties at start engine time
for ELAINE 1 in Annex C (Aircraft Mission Execution Chart). He will

check scope #4 and vHF Chennel E to insure they are functioning properly
and have his teller check his communications with the effects status
clerk and plotter #2. He will monitor VHF Channel E from take-off time
for ELAINE 1 in Annex C to receive initial call from ELAINE 1 when
approximately ninety (90) miles from Rniwetok on course to assigned
mission station in Annex D (Aircraft H-Hour Poeitions and Flight Patterns).

When positive control is established with ELAINE 1, the teller will

give the status clerk position two and the time control is accepted
from the AOC and start giving three minute positions to the plotter, The
controller will give ELAINE 1 range and bearing to assigned mission station.
When ELAINE reaches mission station, position three, it will be reported
to the status clerk, The controller will continually monitor ELAINE 1 in
his flight pattern in Annex D, ELAINE 1 will primarily position himself
and will normally requre no assistance if his equipment functions properly;
although the controller will be responsible to closely monitor his position
and see that the track is plotted and assure the Senior Controller that
ELAINE 1 will be in position at H-hour. Scope Controller #4 will instruct
ELAINE 1 to switch to Channel B for all time hacks. Immediately after Hhour, ELAINE 1 will proceed to base receiving range and bearing from the


Upon departing position three, mission station, the teller will

give position four to the status clerk, The controller will continue to
track and have ELAINE 1 plotted until approximately ninty (90) miles from
Eniwetok at which time he will instruct ELAINE 1 to switch to Channel C and

contact DIRTY FACE, He will continue to monitor E Channel until position
five is confirmed by DIRTY FACE, After releasing ELAINE 1, Controller #4

will monitor the sampler operations on Channel E to detect any emergency
while TIGER aircraft are under the contbol of the Sampler Controller aboard
CASSIDY, He will report all unusual happenings or emergencies to Control~
ler #5. If TIGER aircraft are unable to contact CASSIDY 1 or BOUNDARY TARE

on F Channel after sampling, Controller #4 will assume control on Channel
E and vector TIGER aircraft to Iniwetok reporting positions four and five

and maintaining ectinuous plots on TIGER aircraft.

WILSON 1, in Annex C

Will begin his duties at start engine time for

(Aircraft Mission Execution Chart).

He will check

scope #5 and VHF Channel F to insure they are functioning properly and

have his teller check his commumication with sampler status clerk and

plotter #2.

He will monitor VHF Channel F from take-off time for WILSON

in Annex C, to receive a call from WILSON 1, after he has checked the
weather in the Fniwetok area. WILSON 1 will contact BOUNDARY TARE when
approximately ninety (90) miles from Eniwetok on course to assigned mission

station in Annex D (Aircraft H-Hour Positions and Flight Patterns). When
positive control is established with WILSON 1 the teller will give the
status clerk position two and start giving three minute positions to the
plotter. The controller will give WILSON 1 range and bearing to his
mission station and standbyto receive weather reports from WILSON 1. When

WILSON 1 reaches weather reconnaissance area over Ground Zero, positiom
three will be told to the status clerk. After H-hour, WILSON 1 will be turned over to Controller #2 on VHF Channel A to sample in the cloud area,
CASSIDY and STABLE will be controlled in the same manner as WILSON through
position three, After Hphour, CASSIDY will direct sampling operation in

cloud area and assume control of STABLE, STABLE 1 will fly at 11,000 ft
and due to possible fall out will remain outside CASSIDY position from
cloud and receive position assistance from Controller #5. STABLE 2 will

remain under the control of BOUNDARY TARE and standby for specific
emergency instructions. CASSIDY will assume control of TIGER aircraft
when radio and IFF contact is made or when TIGER aircraft have CASSIDY in
sight and have established radio contact. This will be position three
for TIGER aircraft and the time reported to the sampler status clerk,
CASSIDY upon accepting control of TIGER aircraft will complete rendezvous

and turn samplers over to CASSIDY Sampler Controller, on VHF Channel E,

- Scope Controller . #4 will monitor Channel E and be prepared to assist
CASSIDY and brief Controller #5 in case of unusual occurrences or emer-


The CASSIDY Sampler Controller upon completion of mission will

return TIGER aircraft to Channel F, CASSIDY control will accomplish a
rendexvous with the assistance of BOUNDARY TARE, if require, and vector

them to BOUNDARY TARE, BOUNDARY TARE upon establishing radio and IFF
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Select target paragraph3