
All crews will be capable of assuming any position in
flight to provide for a replacement in the event the
leader or number two (2) aircraft is forced to abort.

b. Immediately upon landing, the crews will be checked through
security and billeting. The Flight Commander will then report to the Test
Aircraft Unit Commander to receive instructions on:



Crystallization of aircraft with proper test frequencies.


Briefings to attend.


Spotting of aircraft in take-off order.


Procurement of Film Badges and Dosimeters.

The B-50's, call sign HARDTIME 1, 2 and 3, will take off on

D day as scheduled in Annex C (Aircraft Mission Execution Chart).


TIME ONE (1) will call the ACC, call sign DIRTY FACE, on VHF Channel ¢,

HARDTIHNE TWO (2) and THREE (3) will standby on Channel C,


check all modes of IFF and the HF air~ground Channel J-410 on all aircraft.
Aircraft will proceed in a night cell formation to the H-hour position assigned by Annex D (Aircraft H-hour Positions and Flight Patterns), DIRTY
FACE will maintain control until the flight is approximately 90 miles from

Bikini, then will instruct HARDTIME ONE (1) to contact the CIC, call sign

BOUNDARY TARE, on VHF Channel "G", with IFF squawking mode 2.


TWO (2) arid THREE (3) will switch to Channel "G" at this time but will not
squawk IFF unless instructed to do so by BCUNDARY TARE, In the event
HARDTIME ONE (1) is forced to abort, HARDTIME TWC (2) will assume the lead
together with HARDTINE ONE's H-hour position, with HARDTIME THREE (3) as-

suming HARDTIME TWO's H-hour position.

BOUNDARY TARE Controller will establish radio and IFF contact

with HARDTIME ONE (1) and provide him with range and tearing to his H-hour

Upon reaching: his prescribed orbit pattern he will establish

wind run patterns to culminate in his H-hour pesition as prescribed in

Annex D, H-hour position tolerances are plus or minus five (5) seconds.
Positioning will be the responsibility of the aircraft commander,

BOUNDARY TARE will provide range from Ground Zoro, and will
issue any required emergency instructions. HARDTIME TWO (2) and THREE (3)
will position themselves on HARDTIME ONE (1), as prescribed by Annex D,

with BOUNDARY TARE Controller periodically checking their relative positions,
BOUNDARY TARE will provide weather and upper wind information as required
and will instruct HARDTIME ONE (1) to switch to Channel "B" for all time
hacks, HARDTIME TWO (2) and THREE (3) will automatically switch to Channel
"EB" when HARDTI?E ONE (1) is instructed to do so for time hacks. All HARD~
TIME aircraft will maintain radio silence on Channel "B" at all times.
Immediately upon completion of IBDA photography (approximately H plus 15

minutes), the three (3) aircraft will rejoin in formation over the Command

Ship or at a point in space as directed by the Controller, and advise
BCUNDARY TARE that mission is complete. At no time will these aircraft
enter or maneuver to 1 position closer than 20 nautical miles from the
atomic cloud. BOUNDARY TARE will provide range and bearing to base and
will retain control until the flight is approximately 90 miles fron Bikini,

At this time HARDTIME CNE (1) will be instructed to switch to Channel "0"

and call DIRTY FACE,

HARDTIME TWO (2) and THREE (3) will also switch to

Channel "C" at this time,

If at any time HARDTIVE aircraft camnot contact

DIRTY FACE on Channel "SC" or BOUNDARY TARE on Channel "Gq", HF air-ground
circuit J-410 will be used as an alternate.



Select target paragraph3