

Provide a limited mumber of personnel to assist in personnel decontamination during peak work loads, This
requirement will be the result of a joint agrecment between the Commander, Test Support Unit and the Commander,
Test Aircraft Unit.


Brief personnel concerning procedures to be followed in
personnel decontamination.

Test Services Unit:


Brief personnel concerning procedures to be followed in

personnel decontamination.

Aircraft Unit will:

The Personnel Decontemination Section of the Test

a. On D minus 10 days, furnish to J-7 Division, TG 7.1, an
estimate of the number of film badges needed on shot and subsequent days.

On D minus one day, issue film badges and dosimeters to all

aircrew members of sampling aircraft and whero needed to aircrew members of
aircraft which will be flying within 100 miles of the shot site at H-Hour.
c. As necessary, issue protective clothing, film badges and dosimeters to all individuals who will be utilized as Rad Safe monitors by
Air Task Units.
d. As necessary, operate the personnel decontamination center for
all Task Group 7.4 personnel on Riiwetok. Level of tolerance acceptable on
any skin surface is 1 mr/hr; on clothing it is 7 mr/hr; on underclothing it

is 2 mr/hr,


On D-Day, provide transportation for aircrew mombers of


As necessary, have contaminated clothing laundered until

contaminated aircraft to the personnel decontamination center only.

levels of intensity are reduced substantially to that of background. When
clothing has been sufficiently decontaminated, it will be returned to the
issued section and re-used. Shoes will be isolated and allowed to undergo

natural decay until the level of radiation intensity hes lowered sufficiently.



Test Aircraft Unit:


Provide key personnel, establish and operate a Rad Safe
monitoring section undor the Nuclear Applications Division.


Provide and maintain a supply of radiac instruments for
airborne and off-site monitoring.


Provide trained personnel to meet and monitor cach air~


craft landing at Iniwetok Island on D-Day to determine
which have become contaminated.

Provide airborne monitors to fly in all organizational

aircraft (except F-8's) as necessary.

Provide a pool of trained personnel to’ serve as off-site

monitors in the event of fall-out over inhabited areas.
Personnel for this duty will be drawn from other Test
Units, as required; any special training will be conducted
by the Test Aircraft Unit.

ORDER NO. 2-43


Select target paragraph3