Recomended Guides
The standards issued by TRC are recomended as the basic guidance for

evaluation of exposures to individuals to Enewetak.

This is recommended


Drovigasa Pits
The full anount of tne numerical values should not be used for

evaluating tmosuras
ss Fron a single can-nade source, in this case
radioactivity from veapous tests.

ais is applied so that tue

Enewetak people will not de denied benefits of future auclear
tecinolory because they are receiving exposures from man-made
radiation at the naxinun level of acceptable standards.

“nvironmental followup surveys and studies of radioactivity levels
in people are verformed such that the full rance of radiation

exposures of individual members of the Unewetak population will be

=xposures of the Enewetak people are kept to the mininun practicable

Survey, Cleanup, and Rehabilitation Tvaluation
Tt is recommended in this context that:


The FRC Radiation Protection Guide (RPG's) for individuals should be
used as the basic standard,

The requirement is to assure that exposures

for continuous residence in Enevetak Atoll vill be well within the
annual and 30 year criterion.

‘while these are conservative standards
tue “Loe

from a health view voint, there is no budibéén conservatisn to account
for uncertainty in orediction of annual exposures to individuals.
secause of the conplex circumstances of exposure and the many vathivays,
aach «ith tts uncertainty,

the Tasi: Troup recommends use of 39 nercout


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