Howard J. Peyton


I visited the Peace Corps office that afternoon to obtain the
names of the Peace Corps representatives on Rongelap and Utirik.
Barnie Kraska is the Peace Corps man on Rongelap and Fred Spilsbury
is on Utirik, The Director of the Peace Corps at Majuro for the
Marshall Islands District is John McCormick and his assistant is
Rosendo Andrew.
We departed Majuro on the afternoon of November 3, and arrived
Kwajalein on November 2. We were met by Frank Granich of Global

Associates who is the support contact for the AEC Bio-Med Surveys

on Kwajalein. On November 3, we went through with Frank the
schedule of the survey and the requirements which would be needed
from Global and those items which would be furnished from Honolulu.
(See Attachment No. 1) Granich memo. Early the next morning,
November 4, Conard and I went to Ebeye. Upon arriving at Ebeye we
were met by Fred Hansen, T.T. Public Works Officer, who took us to
the hospital where Dr. Conard discussed the March survey and
obtained some plasma samples. I went with Fred to the AEC Medical
Examination Facility consisting of two trailers which we had
placed on the Island a year ago. The trailers required some maintenance repair. Fred and I discussed the works needed on the
trailers to bring them up to a satisfactory condition for the
examinations. In addition, it was agreed that a chain link fencing
around the trailers and some minor maintenance would be very helpful in the protection of the property. (See Attachment No. 2 (Memo
Streenan to Hansen)). Conard and I returned that afternoon to
Kwajalein. Frank Granich introduced us to Bob Bryant, Manager for
Global, where we again discussed the support provided by Global for
the surveys. I examined the AEC small boat used by Conard and made
arrangement for its repair. It appeared it would be more economical
to replace the motor instead of trying to give it a complete over-

haul. I also examined the air samplers for Bill Hills so that I
could make a recommendation for their disposition. The air samplers
were in very poor condition and it would be my recommendation to
Bill Hills that the air samplers be disposed of on Kwajalein as
uneconomical to return to Honolulu for repair. Dr. Conard, Frank
Granich and I met the Executive Officer for the Army at Kwajalein,

Lt. Col. Elhert who was Acting Commander in absence of Col. Fishback.

Lt. Col. Elhert was very cooperative and indicated that the army
would continue to support the AEC Survey program as they have in the
On Friday, November 5, we left Kwajalein via Army plane to Eneu and
Bikini. We arrived Eneu about 8:30 in the morning where we were met

by A. A. Aesok, Trust Territory representative, Via a small boat,
16-foot Boston Whaler, operated by Bob Ward, We departed Eneu and
went across the lagoon to Bikini to collect samples. Upon arrival

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