4 November 1971
Mr. Fred Hansen
Public Works Officer
Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands
Ebeye, Marshall Islands
Dear Fred:

Confirming our discussion this date, please make the necessary arrangements
to perform the following work on the AEC trailers:



Install chain link fencing around the trailer complex per your
sketch, (Fencing materials per your list will be furnished to
you from Honolulu.)


Install wire plug molding (electrical outlets) above work tables

in large trailer. (Approximately 30' of plug moulding will be
furnished to you from Honolulu.)


Fabricate and install wind breaks on doors 1 and 3 on large


Fabricate and install plywood type shutters over windows on
both trailers. (Protection from glass breakage by rocks)


Remove loading brackets and wheels from small trailer and lower


Repair the 4 door locks on large trailer,

trailer approximately 12".

In addition, it. would be helpful
and perform whatever maintenance
useable condition for the annual
should be charged to the current
sent to Holmes and Narver, Inc.,

if you would continue to observe the trailers
work necessary tq keep the trailers in a
medical surveys. Work on the AEC trailers
Holmes and Narver Purchase Order and billings
P. 0. Box 580, Honolulu, Hawaii.

As arranged between Drs. Conard and Chandler, the Trust Territory Medical
Department, Ebeye is authorized to use the small trailer when it is not being
_used by the AEC Medical Team,
Your assistance and support of our AEC Bio Med Surveys is very much appreclated,

ee: Frank Granich-Kwajalein

W. B. Hills, AEC-Honolulu

H & N, Honolulu

W. K. Strenan
AEC Liaison


Attachment FE

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