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Interim Staff Report on 1970

Bikini Atoll Environmental Survey
A followup radiological survey of the major islands of Bikini Atoll,
Marshall Islands, was conducted in May-June 1970, by representa~tives from the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, the University of
Washington, and the U. S. Public Health Service.+/ This survey and
associated field activities included general observations of


prevailing environmental conditions, the collection of environmental

samples for subsequent laboratory dnalysis, monitoring of scrap
metal collected for sale by native workers, and an experiment: to
evaluate possible shielding effects to be expected from use of
locally obtained aggregate in housing construction.
Considerable progress by Trust Territory was observed for the
agricultural portion of the rehabilitation program, The coconut

tree nursery contained several thousand seedlings in various stages

of growth and the job of transplanting trees into rows has been
completed for much of the Island of Eneu. Planting is to start

later this year on Bikini Island.

‘The construction of housing had not started as of June 1970 and
would appear to be still some time in the future.2/
At the time
of the team visit, there was a small Trust Territory administrative


1/ The total cost of the 1970 survey was about $110,000. DBM
provided $17,000 for logistics support. NV provided $30,000

for PHS travel and sample analysis and $63,000 for University
of Washington participation including program planning,
transportation, equipment, salaries, and sample analysis.
These contractor forces were provided from the capabilities
being maintained to support AEC readiness-to-test response in
the Pacific, and their costs were funded from the Readiness
Prog Yan.


Plans reported in March 1970 by Trust Territory officials
called for initial construction of 30 houses on Bikini Island
in 1970, While some equipment and building materials were

observed in stockpile on nearby Eneu Island, such construction

had not begun at the time of the survey. When contacted on
November 5, 1970, a Trust Territory official reported that

40 houses were currently financed with completion due in 1972.

The Trust Territory budget request for FY 1972 waa said to
contain an item of $125,000 for construction of bathhouses

and outhouses on Bikini Island.



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