Pe Oot we gas ohne

a eeee

made several collections daily end forwarded the cacples for uniforz jrecessing to the New York Laboratory, the Argonne, Brookhaven, and Oak Ridge
National Laboratories, Hanford, the University of Rochester, or the University of California at Los Angeles. The Air Force tracked radioactive
clouds across the country and meade detailed atmospheric observations along
the 85th meridian from Florida into Onterio. All data were brought together in New York to analyze the relationship between fall-out and
weather conditions and to study the nature of radioactive dispersion in
the atmosphere. Interpretations were made more difficult, particularly
in October, by the presence in the atmosphere of other radioactivity

originating in Russia.

At no locale in the United States was the observed level of radiation high enough to be significant in terms of human and animal health.

The fall-out from the Nevada tests was sufficient, however, to trouble

the photographic industry, which found it necessary temporarily to sus-

pend certain operations.

(End ofBEESeection.)

FCDA participation.
The Federal Civil Defense
Administration was invited to eS in the BUSTER-JANGLE operations
to test bomb shelters of a backyard-type, which might be installed by
home owners.
Twenty-nine shelters of three basic types were exposed to
shots BAKER,


end EASY.

FCDA representatives also served

wee 8 ates

as monitors and took. an active pert in other radiological safety activi-


AEC personnel shelter test.

A prototype communel shelter, to ec-

commodete about 50 persons, was exposed to the same four shots to determine its suitability for use by AEC end contractor personnel at key installations such es Hanford. With e view to sirplicity, economy, and

meximum' sێivege value, the structure tested was built of
pipe, half of it reinforced concrete and half corrugeted
ed with 3 to 4 feet of earth.
Its location wes 500 feet
in the first three of these sho ts and a greater distance

¢O-inch culvert
iron, end ccver-

from ground cero
from shot EASY.

Snots CHERLIE.and DOG each exposed it to blest, redietion, and rears
eZTrects of greater severity

an would be sustained et ground zero from

@ 20-Kiloton explosion aeton ted at ea height of 2,000 feet.


ithough recorded measurements ere still

Oobabie effects on occupants, the resistance

theoretical cesign estimates of
fie ee

sures on the structure.

(End of ermine

Project GABRIEL is a study began several veers ago to determine
the long-renge toxic effects which right result from the cetonstion of

é lerge nucber of atomic bombs.

This question is being reexamined


lignt cP recent bezb tests by the following ed hoc comzitcies, wnose mere

bership suggests the broad scope of the inquiry:_








Select target paragraph3