
Fossible Proposal for Limitation of Tests 1/

Mr, Murray distributed copies of a memorandum as a basis for
discussion of a possible avenue of approach to atomic disarmament.*
He said he wished to emphasize that he was raising the question for
discussion and exploration only, He himself was not sure that such
an approach to the problem was feasible, In response to a question
by the Chairman, Mr, M.urray said he thought that any implementation
of the idea by no means involved an immediate decision to postpone
the CASTLEtest series, If the Commission considered the approach
had sufficient merit, it might be brought to the attention of the
President with the thought that he designate a group to explore the
subject, At the conclusion of the discussion, Mr, Strauss said that,
in his opinion, the proposal merited further study and that Mr, Murray
should bring it to the attention of the President if he saw it fit to do s0,**

Clearance Case


The Chairman reported on the visit Messrs, Garrison and Marks

had made to his office on February 1, The Commissioners then

discussed various aspects of the pending clearance case, particularly

with reference to the paragraph of the letter of December 23, 1953,

regarding the thermonuclear program, and the possibility of eliminating
that paragraph,***
With reference to the paragraph in question, Mr, Zuchert
observed that although he had objected to the particular wording
of this statement of derogatory information, the issue had been raised
and once having been raised it must be resolved,
*4 copy of Mes Murray's memorandum has been attached to these minutes as
Appendix **
eM, NMurtay subsequently advised that in accordance with this suggestion and

after discussions with the Commission,theletter in Appendix {‘B‘' was

dispatched to the President on February 5, 1954,
**This letter wae circulated in turn to the Commissioners prior to Meeting
949 cn December. 23,1953. |
Lf This version of Section 7 was proposed by Chairman Strauss,
2/ This version of Section 8 was proposed by Commissioner Smyth, See alsoa
memorandum concerning this matter dated May 20, 1954 from Mr. Smyth to
the other Commissioners and attached to a memorandum dated September
30, 1954, from Mr. Smyth to Mr, McCool,
Kyetn fitch

- 40b -



Select target paragraph3