memorandum dated July 5, 1956 * to Chairman Strauss, Mr. McCool

proposed that alternate versions of these minutes be reproduced in
order to conform with the various revisions suggested by the »
Commissioners, Mr. Strauss concurred with this procedure ina

memornadum dated September 11, 1956.* Mr, McCool sent a similar

memorandum dated September 17, 1956* to Mr, Murray but no reply
was received prior to the expiration of Mr, Murray's term on June
30, 1957, Appropriate footnotes after Sections 7 and 8 indicate the
individual Commissioners who suggested revisions to the sections
as originally drafted by the Secretary.)

Possible Proposal for Limitation of Tests i/

Mr, Murray distributed copies of a memorandum as a basis for
discussion of a possible avenue of approach to atomic disarmament,**
He said he wished to emphasize that he was raising the question for
discussion and exploration only. In response to a question by the
Chairman, Mr, Murray said he thought that implementation of the
idea would not necessarily involve an immediate decision to postpone
the CASTLEtest series, If the Commission considered the approach
had sufficient merit, it might be brought to the attention of the President
with the thought that he designate a group to explore the subject, At
the conclusion of the discussion, Mr, Strauss said that, in his opinion,

the proposal merited further study and that it should be brought to
the attention of the President, He suggested that Mr. Murray prepare

drafts of appropriate papers for that purpose,***

*Copies of these memoranda dated July 5, September 11, and September 17,
1956 are onfile in the Office of the Secretary,
‘**A copy of Mr, Murray's memorandum has been attached to these minutes

as Appendix ‘‘A"’,

***Mr, Murray subsequently advised that in accordance with this suggestion and

after discussions with the Commission, the letter in Appendix ‘'B'’ was
dispatched to the President on February 5, 1954,

1/ This version of Section 7 was proposed by Mr, Murray,


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