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applied Fisherics Laboratory

13 June 1950

Dr. Paul B. Pearson

Chief, Biology Branch
Division of Biology & Med.
US atomic Energy Commission
Washington 25, D.C.


Dear Dr. Pearson:

we are , proceeding with the
in response to your request, we
assume that arrangements will be made with the Division of iHili-

tary application by Commander Pinney.
It will be necessary
that apzropriate identification cards be provided, authority to
leave the country and visit the Warshell Island be arranged, and

Naval Liaison be estabiished.
Some provisions for texing care of
the expenses to the Navy and other military establishments should
be arranged. ie are hoping that Lt Commander George B. Greer can
again be designated by the Navy to work with us since he understands

our needs and is an efficient and competent officer.

we are proceeding to assemble the personnel for the trip and
have found it necessary to make one substitution in the original
list of proposed names.
Kr. Robert Corey will be unable to go, but
Dr. Noe Higginbotham, Chairman of the Department of Botany, Washineton
State College, as offered to handle the section in plant physiology
and will work with Dr. Orlin Biddulph who handled this area of the

research for us during 1949.

We are especially pleased with the

continuity that we are able to establish in this area.

Medical examinations will be started for members of the party
and innoculation shots or "booster" shots will be taken to meet the

overseas requirements.

We will recuest a security re-check on all members of the
field party from the Security Division, .tomic iznergy Comiission,
Hanford, Washington.
We, also, hope that it will be possible for you to arrange your

Pacific Coast’ trip in such a fashion that you may arrive in Seattle
at a time that does not conflict with our trip to the Facific.


ce: Mr.W.K.Crane


Richland, Wash

LED: pr





Very sincerely yours,

“Rauren RK. Donaldsan

NowYeh RAIL 7


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