At this point Messrs. Colby, Henderson, Beckerley, Loughridge, and
McDaniel left the meeting and Messrs. Bloch, Carothers, Weil, and Stabler

14, AEC 43/407 ~ Canadian Request for 1951 Allotment of Uranium Metal
Under consideration was a report by the General Manager proposing the
1951 allotment to Canada of Uranium metal,
Mir. Pike said he felt that in view of the recent increase in the cost of
Canadian orc, revision of the price of uranium metal furnished Canada by

the AEC might be in order and he suggested that the matter be borne in
mind as a possible topic for future discussion with Canadian representatives.

After further discussion, the Commission:

AFPROVED the recommendation of AEC 43/407.
(Mz. Glennan, consulted the following day, advised of his concurrence in

the above action.)

#.t-this point Messrs, Mullenbach, Burchard, and Stirewalt entered the



15, AEC 129/31, 129/32, 129/33, and 129/34 Progress Report to the
Joint Committee

Under consideration was the draft Progress Report to the Joint Committee

on Atomic Energy (AEC 129/31, 129/32, and 129/33) together with a draft

Foreword (129/34). Specific revisions to the report and a suggested account
of the MTA projects were discussed. After further discussion, the Commission:
a, APPROVED, with revisions indicated at the mecting, the Progress

Report (AEC 129/31, AEC 129/32, and AEC 129/33) and Foreword (AEC
129/34) to the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy; and

b. REQUESTED that the revised account of the MTA projects to be
inserted in Part Il of the Report be circulated to the Commissioners
prior to submission of the Report to the Joint Committce on Atomic

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