APPROVED the recommendation of AEC 82/54,
(Mr. Glennan, consulted the following day, advised of his concurrence in

the above action.)

AEC 82/55 - Establishment of Positions of Deputy Manager, Idaho
Operations Office, and Assistant Manager, Chicago Operations Cffice.
After discussion, the Commission:
AFPRCVED the recommendation of AEC 82/55.
(Mr. Glennan, consulted the following day, advised of his concurrence in

the above action.)


AEC 82/56 ~ Establishment of Position of Assistant Director of
Engineering, Division of Reactor Development

The General Manager recommended that the initial salary of Mr. John
C. Robinson in the proposed position be set at $11,400. Aftcr discussion, the

NOTED that the figure $11,400 would be substituted forthe figure

$11,200 in Item ''B’' of the recommendation of AEC 82/56; and

b. APPROVEDthe rccommendation of AEC 82/56, subject to re-

vision in accordance with a above,

(Mr. Glennan, consulted the following day, advised of his concurrence
in the above action.)

AEC 82/57 - Establishment of Positions of Deputy Manager, SFO, and
Field Manager, Los Alamos Field Office, SFO; and Appointment of
Daniel F. Worth to Position of Ficld Manager, Sandia Field Office
After discussion, the Commission:

APPROVED the recommendation of AEC 82/57,

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