Bureau of Investigation were considering with the Department of Justice

possible interpretations of the Atomic Energy Act under which the Bureau
might conduct investigations of AEC employec-applicants the degree of
thoroughness of which would be related to scnsitivity of data to which they
would be required to have access.
In view of discussions held with field personnel at the recent Managers’
Meeting where it had become evident that difficulties imposed by clearance
requirements of the Act were not so great as to support the viewthat accomplishment of program objectives was being retarded, the approach now
being made by the FBI might be appropriate. Such an arrangement would
reduce considerably the workload of the FBI, allow for faster investigation of
key personnel, and necessitate less frequent reliance on the emergency
clearance device with its inhercnt security shortcomings,
Mr. Hollis said that he would discuss with Department of Justice re-

presentatives this alternate approach to the clearance requirement problem,


Foreign Travel of Sergio de Bencdetti

The General Manager advised the Commission of his intention of and
reasons for not accepting the recommendation of the Foreign Travel Revicw
Board (Divisions of Security, Classification, and Military Application) that
the AEC interpose objection to a European visit planned by Dr. Sergio de
Benedetti, of the Carnegic Institute of Technology, and family. The facts
of the case as gathered by the Division of Security showed that Benedetti, who
was granted a MED clearance in 1946 and a **Q’* clearance in 1948, had had
only limited access to restricted data, as a consultant, since leaving full-time

employment in the atornic energy program in 1948. The possibility of having .
Benedetti’s movements in Europe followed closely would be taken up with the
Central Intelligence Agency.
Mr. Boyer said he was reserving judgment on a proposal, now under

study by the staff, for payment by the AEC of Benedetti's travel expenses
from Rome to Copenhagen, and return, to attend the international physics


AEC 82/54 - Froposed Establishment of Position of Director, Division
of Construction

After discussion, the Commission:

~ 237 -

Select target paragraph3