Interpretation of Data.
The d value for Group 1 reflect good muscular development and leanness
based on a comparison with the d values of a Reference (Military Man)* and
other groups.

The da values for Group 1V reflect loss of lean tissue and fattening
that accompanies the aging process.
The d values of Group 11 are somewhat puzzling.

This group does not

have the muscular development, for example, of the older age Group 111,
despite the increased weight of this group.
each group except Group 1, is small, however.
30 men in each group.

The number of individuals in
There should be at least

Nevertheless, there is no question about the excellent

muscular development of Group 1.

The relatively small ankles compared with

Reference Man* may be a physical characteristic of the males of this race.

* Reference (Military Man) Age group 20 - 24 years.
Height 17.40 decimeters


inches ).

Sum of 11 Circumferences = 600

F = 3.078

Sum 11 Circum./F

Weight 70.0

= 194.9

d Values for Reference Man

Shoulder (36.00), Biceps (10.32), Forearm (8.72), Wrist (5.62),
Chest (29.84), Abdomen Avg. (25.49), Buttocks (30.36),

Thigh (17.80), Knee (11.90), Calf (11.64), Ankle (7.31)


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