19. This device will not use lithium 6, but calculations and
laboratory experiments indieate it will be required in cuantity
for usc

in other designs of thermonucicar devices,

plant for separating

A- pilot

this isotope is in operation at Oak Ridgc,

and 2 plant capable of producing the matertal in quantity is to
be constructed at Oak Ridge for operation by about January,


20. 4 possible range of yield for this device has been
estimated at between 1 and 15 megatons TNT equivalent,
to 15,000 kilotons TNT equivalent;

or 1,000

this would be 50 to 750 times
ete portes

Ol. A specin] group has been established at the Los Alamos
Selentific Laboratory to coordinate and direct the design and:

construction effort on the.test device.

Additional theoretical

work must be done,

and the results applied to the design and

construction work,

which is

just beginning.

Procurement of many

critical materials and parts must be accomplished, and new
technical problems must be solved,

including for the first time

the prepnration and handling of large quantities of liquid
deuterium and liquid hydrogen,


a major undertaking in itself.

In addition to the 1952 test project,


continues to be given to ail feasible avenues of approach to a
thermonuclear weapon.

(One approach which appears promising

involves the use of lithium 6, which is discussed above.)
work involves fundamental theoretical investigations,
of the performance of different systems,



experimental physical

measurements, and other leboratory and enginecring work in a
variety of fields,

such,sas eryogenics, metallurgy,


Cr AID Iina

(DR Sickie







the 20-kiloton yicld of the Nagasaki-type atomic bomb.)

Select target paragraph3