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-the werepon is not yet operable because of difficulty with the

electronic portion of the fuze,

The full seale tests performed in Nevada in
~ Oetober and November 1951 (Operations BUSTER and JANGLE)

gave new

information for weapon development purposes and ineluded for
the Pirst time surface and underground detonations.

A large

scale thermonuclear device having an estimated energy release of
1-15 megatons TNT equivalent is being designed for testing at


Weapon Production

4, & major part of the production effort has been devoted
to making new components and incorporating these into the stock-

pile ("conversion programs") and to initiating production operations on the Mark 5, 6, 7, &, and 9 weapons.

{(Implosion-type bomb; outside diameter 60 inches:

approximate weight10.» 800 pounds) -




Mark 4 Weapon.

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atone It

Select target paragraph3