July 19, 1979

Mrs. Ruth G. Van Cleve

Office of Territorial Affairs
Dear Mrs. Van Cleve

This is to acknowledge receipt of a copy of your letter
to Mr. Bryant S. Zebedy, the Clerk of the Marshall Islands Nitijela

with regard to Nitijela Resolution No. 15.

If I still recall, the Resolution No. 15 is requesting the

Government of the United States of America to immediately conduct a
radiological servey in the Marshall Islands. The intent of the

resolution of course, refers to the 13 atolls in the Northern Marshall


Therefore, as I am one of the Congressmen from the 13 atolls
and representing the interest of the people of Ailuk Atoll and Mejit
Islands, I would like very much if your office will include the people
of Ailuk and Mejit in the medical servey which is being considered for
the people of Likiep Atoll.
IT have chosen the people from Mejit and Ailluk since they are
not only far off of Utrik Atoll and Tikiep Atoll but because many =
people from Mejit or Ailuk Atoll have been travelled to Utrik or Likiep
and back to their respective atolls.

Therefore, on behalf of the people of Ailuk Atoll and Mejit

island they would appreciate it very much , if such medical servey
program be extended to them.
Best. wishes to you and to your entire staff.





Minister of Public Works

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