Honorable W, Sterling Cele


In addition to this communication, Dr. John C,. Bugher, Director,

Division of Biology and Medicine, who at the request of the U. S,.
Celegation was present at the Trusteeship Council mestings on

July 6 and 7 as a technical adviser, prepared a brief stctezent on

the radiological problens arising frou the incident for inelusion

in an oral report to be =uade ty Mr. Frank E. Midkiff, then High
Comulssioner of Trust Territories in the Pacific. A copy of this
statement is also enclosed.

You will note that radiation levels are discussed in both docunents
in only very general terms and only to the extent believed necessary
to allay wmfounded fears,
Some of the information supplied the Department cf State and United
Nations was previcusly unzublishbed, partially because the test series
had so recently ended, tut was covered in the Comnission's Sixteenth

Sertannual Report.

We felt it necessary, because ef the question caf

the future availability of the Pacifie test site, te supply pramtly

to the Department of State and the ¥. $, Delegation all pertinent
unclassified information. It will be noted, however, that none of
the matsrial furnished involved "restricted data."

Moreover, ve

believe that no information was supplied which was not already known
to the K4sE.

Date on numerical radiation levels was ineluied en pages 41, 42, 43,
and 52 of the Commission's classified Program Status Report dated

Fane 30, 1954, copies of which were, ef course, provided your Committee.

If we ean be of ary further assistance in this matter, we trust that
you will so advise us,
Sincerely yours,

K. D. Nichols
General Manager
Ansvers to State Departaent

*last of Possible Questions*

Dr. Bugher's Statenent on



Radiological Problens


Select target paragraph3