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HT have troabie with mythyroid, wil De healthy again?
If you are treated properly and youfollowthe doctor's advice, you should be

healthy andstrong like anybodyelse. You should be examined every year so the
dector can find out if you have thyroid disease. Ifthe doctors operate on your thyroid, they will give you medicine. If you listen to the doctor and keep taking your
medicine, you will stay strong and healthy.

Since these same people have been there for sometime, have the AEC found any
signs of radiation sickness and if they de, will they be compensated?
The people who were not exposed to the fallout in 195-4 and are nowliving cn
Rongelap and Utirik inay have gotten little bit of radioactivity but only a very,
very small amount. They have not been hurt by re:cation so there is no need to
compensate them.
Whydoesn’t the AEC remove the radiation from the soil and plants?
It is impossible to do so and sincethe radiation is so small, there is no reason to

Whydidn’t the U.S, explain to the people the dangers ofthe fallout before the test?
The people were not warned of the dangers ofthe fallout because the likelihood

that fallout would occur outside the restricted area was considered too remote to

justify warning the people. The occurrenceof fallout in an unrestricted area after
the Bravo Test wasthefirst accidental event of this kind to happenafter a nuclear
weapon test.

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Bamb Explosion

Select target paragraph3