We are pleased to supply this document in response to your request.
The acquisition of technical reports, notes, memorandums, etc., is an

active, ongoing program at the Defense Technical Information Center

(DTIC) that depends, in part, on the efforts and interests of users and

Therefore, if you know of the existence of any significant reports, etc.,
that are not in the DTIC collection, we would appreciate receiving copies
or information related to their sources andavailability.
The appropriate regulations are Department of Defense Instruction
5100.38, Defense Technical Information Center for Scientific and Technical

Information (DTIC); Department of Defense Instruction 5129.43, Assignment of Functions for the Defense Scientific and Technical Information
Program; Department of Defense Directive 5200.20, Distribution State-

ments on Technical Documents; Military Standard (MIL-STD) 847-A,
Format Requirements for Scientific and Technical Reports Prepared by
or for the Department of Defense; Department of Defense Regulation
5200.1-R, Information Security Program Regulation.
Our Acquisition Section, DTIC-DDA-1, will assist in resolving any questions
you may have. Telephone numbersof that office are: (202) 274-6847,
274-6874 or Autovon 284-6847, 284-6874.

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