







fer chargsentic thstrusentation sgeoclated #1 ta
Legis eS,Heléiiy rfen of AN unutuel Gelert.

Metielialc wegubltee
@PSth nel saffleultics enecsaniterec.


Pret og Ureadt LA


wintry of Agtiug. cescits seablavar,

2m gemnectlon with the cewlasslfistle [ils feotare for jederai
Tiwil .efense -créniciveation enc other isfersation curposea,
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that arraneerente te sade for obteiming fecaspenring etilic.

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Letveen the veceral Civili ieafenwe Administration otagi ana
eerout jountain Laberatery, Recping the Atomic “nergy Com

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previding .coicuat cuntain laboratory with sheoting outlines,
treateenite, onc cetellec poivance. [nm this cenneotion, 4
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ftreine uy che final cetaile ov .alenie aforte, anc wlil kee:
Lis Teas .arge infdernecd.
VERMEPedy Fairey

Alfred 0. co tarbis

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Cipeeter of itidtary aépo lica

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