Satety Studies and Development of Operational Guideiines Project Title: Marshall Islands Radiological Safety Program 16. Technical Progress in FY 1974: RZ-93 (Conc'd) personnel with the area and enable them to anticipate technical and administrative difficulties. L7. Expected Results in FY 1975: The project will be initiated in FY 1975 when che first detailed surveys in the islands will be designed and performed. 18. Expected 2esults in FY 1975: A radiation protection program for the islands will be fully implemenced with the expectation thac this project is to be continued for an indefinite period. 19. Descripcion and Explanation of Maior Materials, Subcontract [tems: Equipment and In FY 1975, capital equipment funds of $20,000 is requested for a &00 channel analyzer and its associated hardware. The equipment is required to Bring our environmental monitoring facilities to the "state of the art." 20. Prososed Oblizations for Related Construction Projects: None