August _1¢ Letter rrom tne rresident re Keturn OF BIKINI reopie (neealso

Acting Chairman Ramey's August 21 Letter to the Secretary of Interior)

August ?1 Letter from Walt Rostow re Regrets to Invitation to IAEA General
Proposed Letter to James Young, AIF, re Joint Study on Flutonium 238 Utilization
and Cost

Approved with revisions.


Senator Bartlett's August 14 Letter re NTIS Underground Tests
Proposed reply to be considered Wednesday, August 28.


AEC 1123/8 - Draft Reply to Senator Cannon Concerning Las Vegas Industrial

Revisions requested.


AEC 1249/13 - Contract for Test Support Services at the Nevada Test Site

Approved; the Commissioners requested staff also undertake to obtain separate
diversification commitment.
Governor Paul Laxalt's August 14 Letter Inviting Atomic Energy Commission to be
a Member of Natural Resources Council
The Commissioners noted the General Manager would provide additional information,


NISEvents (See General Giller's August 22, 1968 Memorandum)


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