fioilities,interchangeOf persomel, aterial and serviees whenever
During the formative period of’the operation, Captain Engleman
and Colonel Eatoh attended many 00nf0r0nC08 on general planning not
only beoau~e of their knowledge Of’0p0ratiOa8 of similar type and
Scope, but also beoauae of the neoessi+y of keepingtheir Plaas abrea8t
of the ~neral plans whioh were as yet in a state of flux. At this
time, both Eniwetok Atoll and northern end of Ewajalein Atoll were
under considerationas possiblo sites for the operation. The Cammanlcationa Offloer Wnt

on record ae stating that the seleotion of either

Qf these possible sites would not materially influenoe the pla.naof
the %mmuuioatione and Eleotronioa Seotions.
Early in Ootober the Ccmmmioations Officer and his deputy met
with representativesof the Atcmio Energy Commission to determine the
extent and type of oonmnioatiom

thi6 agenoy would need. The

CommunicationsOfficer expressed his intention “to provide any and all
oonmunioationewhioh the Commission might desire and to render them

support within the resouroes ●vailable.” This attitude was

well received and encouraged the Atomio Energy

%nmission to formulate

its plans without the fear that they might be at varianoe with the
military plans, procedure or oapaoity. In this way, an outline of the
Comuissiontsulttite needs was more quickly arrived at than might
otherwise have been possible. All the requirementsthus derived
were aooepted for execution.

Select target paragraph3