endeavors of the Test Dlreolxr in mattirs of teohnioal
advioe, and the ai~hi%

of requea~d go~~nt-

owned ~terial and teohniaal personnel. Ae6ignment of
frequenciesto all unite of the task foroe would, how.
ever, be subjeot to the approval of the c~~ioa*io~
On the basis of the foregoingassumption, a general Oommnicationu
and eleotmnio6 plan was prepared. Certain preliminary steps baeed on
the mtioipated requirementsof the varioue partioipatlngagenoies
were tmde~en

pending the submission of their apeoiflc X’equeeta

for Omunieation


Among these preliminary steps were

the alerting of 10ng-haul radio stations ●t Kahington, San
Franoisoo, Makam meld, Pearl Harbor, Fort $hafter, ~


x-jab~ZLJ tie preparation of plane for the Installationor Inoreaee

faoilitios ●t Eninwtok and lNa~alein;and the framing-upof some

100al and long-haul oirouit networks with tentative liste of equipments required for these networks


‘ The task of the Oommmioatione Seotion naturally ditided iteelf
Into Army, Bavy, Alr Foroe ●nd Atomio Energy Conmlssion branoheo.
The CcamwnloationsOfficer therefore contaoted the Depa-ent
IUavy, the

of the

Ibpartment of tho Air Foroe and the Atomlo Energy C~Uainn

and requestedthe ●ssignment of’offioers from these offloers ma


be dual in that he would not only plan but also establish and supervise
●ll those connunioatione requeoted by his servioe. Complete coordina-

tion of these endeavorawas planned so as to inolude joint uee of

Seotion z


Select target paragraph3