to the wdrld or to the United States;
(4) TMt an Armed Foree8 hdio

Broadoaat Station would be

aati~ted at Eniwetok for 100al entertainment;
(6) That a c~i~ations

Cemter for long-~ul pointito-point

radio would be established ~bre

on Eniwetok in order

to ●void the problems itierent in a massing Of oommuni6atlone facilitiesafloat~
(6) That Kwm$alein ~uld be wed as a base by the Alr Foroe
In fulfilling its portion of the mission, and that
appropriate oonununicatione
to and from that point
would haw to be eatablisbdz
(7) Tht Bniwetok would also be ueed extensively by the
Air Force in traaeportationas well as operatloaal ●otivitiea;
(8) That oommmicstione would have to be provided for an
Amy Taak Group breed on Eniwetok Xslaad and operating
on several other Islaade of the atoll;
(0) That oonmndoatioae would have to be provided for a
Naval Taak Group of an undetermined number of ●hipsJ
(lo) That a large voluum of loag-haul, highly-olamified
traffto oould be e~oted

from the Baiwetok area to

Oahu, Washington aad suoh plaoe8 ●s desired by the
Atomio Energy Conaaiaeioa.
(11) Tkt eleotroaio ikilitieo would be tha responsibility
of the C~oatioas

Offloer muld

section XI

contribute to tho

Select target paragraph3