EIM, USN, on verbal instructlone

Captain Christian L. Engle~z

a=iting orders, reported for duty on the Etiff of Lieutenant Ceneral
John E. Hull, USA, on 28 September 1947, at the Pentagon Building,
~ahington, D. C. Captain Ehgleman was appointed by Lieutenant General
Hull as Chief of the Cormnunicationa
and Eleotronioe Seotlon of hie etaff
(CommunicationsOffioer) and was informed that he would be required to
P1- and provide the oommunications and eleatronioa faailitiea to support the forthcomingatomio studies at Eniwetok Atoll. Colonel Carl
H. @tOh, si~l

Corps, WA, ~puty Sigzml Offioer, USARPAC, reported

for duty on 1 Ootober 1947 and aammed duties aa hputy to the Chief of
the C~unieatione

and Eleotronios Seotion and ae his apeeial etaff

representativefor the U.S. Army.
The Comumnding General on 3 Ootober 1947 outlined tho proposod
operationand direotedthat a general e~unioations
plan be fomulated tht

and cleotronios

oould be used as basis for the preparation of

initial requiresmmtefor equipent, personnel and shipping. In the
abaenee of speoifio requirements from the ageneies whioh were to
participate (Amy, Mavy, Air Force and Atomia Energy Commission),
only a very broad oommunioationeand eleutronia plan that oould lend
itself to expansion was considered. Certain aasumptiona founded on
the informationsupplied by the Commanding General w@re made and
these provided:
(1) That there would be no press owe rage~
(Z) That there would be no picture tranmiaeion for the prem~
(S) That there wouldb. no publio info-tlon
Seoticm m


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