Clareus of BNL for long yearsof faithful service
and also to Mr. P. Heotis and Mr. M. Makar. In
the Trust Territory, Messrs. S. Shoniber, N.
Zetkeia, K. Mitzutani, J. Saul, and P. Bien, Mrs.
R. Harris, and manyothers have provided inval-

uable assistance over the years.
At Brookhaven National Laboratory contributions have been made by many individuals and by
many departments and divisions, including Medical, Instrumentation, Health Physics and Safety,

Photography and Graphic Arts, Purchasing, Supply and Materiel, Staff Services, and others. We
are indebtedto the following personnel at BNLfor
their advice and support: in the Director’s Office,
Drs. L. J. Haworth, M. Goldhaber, G.H. Vine-

yard, and V.P. Bond, and Mr. P. Rathvon; in the
Medical Department, Drs. E.P. Cronkite, R.B.
Aronson, H.L. Atkins, L.K. Dahil, A.D. Chanana,

G. Chikkappa, J. Iwai, J.S. Robertson, L.V.

Hankes, C.H. Wu, R.D. Stoner, and D. Slatkin,
Messrs. W.A. Finn, C. Goldman, W. J. Walsh, and

W. Hanson, Mrs. 1. Montanez for secretarial help,
and the nursing staff and orderlies who gave the
Marshallese patients excellent care; in the Health
Physics and Safety Division, Mr. C.B. Meinhold and
Mr. N.A. Greenhouse, Jr.; in the Instrumentation

Division, Dr. M.V. Radeka. Wearealso grateful to
Mr. K.H. Thompsonforstatistical computations
and Mrs. M. Dienes for editorial assistance. We
are most appreciative to the people of BNL for
generous donations ofclothing, books, and toys
for the Marshallese.
Weare indebted to the Atomic Energy Commission (now ERDA) for their staunch support, particularly to Drs. J. Totter, J.L. Liverman, C.E.
Carter, W.W.Burr, C.W. Edington, S. Marks, and
N.F. Barr and alsoto Dr. M.B.Biles and Messrs.J.
Deal and T.F. McCraw; and at the Nevada Op-

erations Office to Mr. M.E. Gates and Mr. R.

Ray. We wish to acknowledge the outstanding
contributions of the Pacific Area Support Office in
Honolulu, by Messrs. W. Bonnett, W.B. Hills, J.
Miller, W. Morrison, J. Abreu and particularly
W.S. Streenan, whose devoted service was essenual to the successful completion of the surveys. At
the AEC Health and Safety Laboratory we appreciate the assistance of Drs. E.P. Hardy, Jr. and
J. Harley in carrying out radiochemical analyses.
In the Deparmentofthe Interior, Messrs. S.S.
Carpenter, J. DeYoung, and H.U. Brown have
been most cooperative. In the Trust Territory
manyindividuals have been of tremendous assist-

ancein carrying outthis joint mission, in particu-

lar Mr. E.E. Johnston, High Commissioner, Mr.

P. Coleman, Mr. D. Heine, Dr. M. Kumangai,
and Dr. W. Peck at Saipan, and at Majuro Mr.
©. DeBrum, Dr. J. Tobin, Mr. J. Pualoa, and
Drs. J. laman, E. Riklon, J.Anjain, M. Korean,

and others.
At Kwajalein (Kwajalein Missile Range) we
are grateful for the splendid support of the U.S.
Army Group: Col. J.L. Fishback, Col. R.L. Russell, Col. R.A. Ehlert, Col. R.F. Sullivan, Mr. J.S.
Beavers, and Mr. R. Haley; and to personnel from

Global Associates: Mr. R. Bryant, Mr. D.D. McAfee, Dr. J. Schaefer, and particularly Mr. F.
Grannich and Mr. H. Hauck; to Trust Territory
representative Mr. W. Ownbey; and ourspecial
thanks go to the crew of the LCU (Liktanur).

In Japan we are indebted to the staff of the

Atomic Bomb Casualty Commission (now Radiation Effects Research Foundation) particularly
Drs. G. Darling, L. Allen, H. Maki, and I. Nagai
for generous support and assistance in maintaining liaison between the two studies; also to Dr. T.
Kumatori and others ofthe staff of the National
Institute of Radiological Sciences at Shiba
In Englandit is a pleasure to acknowledge the
advice and help of Dr. E.E. Pochin of the University College Hospital Medical School, London.
Amongmedicalspecialists from otherinstitutions
we are most grateful to Drs. Shields Warren, W.
Meissner, J. Reid, A. Upton, and D.A. Wood for

their personalinterest in the examinations and for
their advice on pathological! diagnosis; also to the
following pathologists who have contributed: Drs.

L.V. Ackerman, B. Castleman, H. Cottier, H.

Johnson, G.H. Klinck, M.A. Legg, S. Lindsay,S.
Lippincott, S.J. Robbins, R.V. Rosvoll, A.L.
Vickery, T. Winship (deceased), and L.B. Woolner.
Weappreciate very muchtheassistance of Col.
E. J. Kamin andhis staff at Tnpler Army Medical
Center in caring for Marshallese patients brought
to Honolulu.
At the University of Washington Drs. A.H. Sey-

* mour, E. Held, and V. Nelson have advised and

cooperatedin studies of mutualinterest.
Weare most grateful to the charitable organization New Eyes for the Needy, Inc. (Short Hills,
N. J.) for donating hundreds ofpairs of eyeglasses
for the Marshallese. They werefitted and distributed at the time of the surveys and probably no
other gift has been more gratefully received by the

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