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In 1965, the seriousness ofthe development of
thyroid lesions in the Rongelap people was recog-

nized, and a panelof experts was cabled together

to review the findings and make recom dedations
regarding the possibility of initiating preventive
therapy.!9-23 The concensus was that the-more
heavily exposed Rongelap group should beplated
on replacement thyroxinefor life in ordettedtodk. ©
TSH secretion by the pituitary gland. It was
hoped that nullifying the stimulating activity of
this hormoneon the thyroid would inhibit development of benign and malignant nodules, and
that growth and development in the hormonedeficient children would be improved. Thepossibility of development of pituitary tumors, which
has been noted in hypothyroid animals*®5 and hu-

manbeings,8& might be prevented. Ethical con-

siderations ruled out randomizedclinicaltrials of
therapy. |
Synthetic L-thyroxine (Synthroid, Flint Drug
Co.), which might be morestable than dessicated
thyroid under tropical conditions, was recommended at a dose of 0.3 mg/day for people <50
years of agp and 0.2 mg/day for those >50. Treat-

ment waSsupervised by the health aide, but diffi-

culties in maintaininga strictly regular treatment

ese .
Figure rison as in Figure 36,

for subject No, 3 anil
younger brother (No. 83




regimen soon became apparent.







J 2S

ovgrcome this problemit-wasfoundhat Pyare
the entire weeklf-dbése at 6pe:timeswas,effi
andsafe, and resulted in maintenance. of nersnal
levels of thyroxine.87 Even on:ehis'sifap
mentschedule a few ofthe peoplé-including oie.
who had undergaste:thyspidectomy,sshowed low
thyroxinelevels indicating that they were not consistently taking the medication. (This was one of
the reasons for establishing the post of resident
physician in the Islands in 1972 to monitor the
treatment program as well as offer health care.)
For4 peopleon thisregumen whodeveloped above-

rege roronsseas program. a a

The hormone therapy has unquestionably en=

hanced growth and dgvelopmen#in-the growthretarded Rongelap:children (Fi
s 21,36, and

Figure 36. Left: Subject No. 5 (shorter) and his younger
brother (No. 85) in 1963. Right: Same two boys in 1973
after No. 5 had been given thyroid hormonefor 8 years.

37 show the improvément#n the Two mos@@tunted
boys). However, thabenefit ofargh treatment Fegarding development of nodularities in the thyroid”
is uncertain. Of the children exposed at age < 10
years in the more highly exposed Rongelap group,
only two have not developed lesions. Theless exposed Ailingnae group,in which developmentof


Select target paragraph3