Whydo people die after they have their bones drilled?
Nobodycan die from having their bonesdrilled. Drilling into your bonesis not
dangerous or harmful and does not cause death.

Dentist drilling teeth
Dentzsts drillyour teeth, too, butyou do not die.

One man became blind after the fallout . . . Will I becomeblind too?
Noone becameblind from fallout and we don’t expect anyone to becomeblind
from it since there was not enoughradiation to cause blindness or eye trouble.
Whydo wehaveto be taken awayto the States to be operated?

To give you the best medical care possible. The best doctors, hospitals and equip-

mentare in the States so you are sent there for treatment. When
sick, he was taken to the National Institute of Health Hospital in Maryland. Even
the President of the United States goes to this hospital when heis sick because they
have the best doctors and the best equipmentin the U.S. It was sad that
but the doctors did everything they could to treat him.

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