ones remarkably at the c ritical stage.

Though the curves of

erythrocytes and platelets lay on normal Japanese ones after 2 years,
the curve of leukocytes still displaced slightly to the left of normal
one even after 6 years.


Follow-up of chromosome observations in blood cells has been
performed since 1964.

Even 20 years after exposure, cells with

chromosome abnormalities (both Cu and Cs cells) exist in the

peripheral lymphocytes with much higher frequencies than in general

The frequency of Cu cells (dicentrics+rings), however,

was decreasing.

On the other hand, Cs cells remained fairly constant

in the frequency of around 2%.

The frequencies of the chromosome

abnormalities were found to be corresponding to the severity of injuries
indicated by minimum leukocytes count at the critical stage.

In the

bone marrow, cells with chromosome abnormalities (Cs cells)

occurred rather constantly with frequencies of more than 2% in all the
4 times of samplings carried out 13-17 years after exposure.


Number of spermatozoa decreased about 2 months after exposure,
and azoospermia was found.

Both fall of motility and morphological

abnormalities of spermatozoa were also observed.

Indications of

recovery were noticed about 2 years after exposure.

Then most of

the patients got healthy children.
The testicle of the fatal case, which died 206 days after exposure,
showed extremely reduced spermatopoiesis.

Other findings
Slight disturbances of the liver function were found in a few cases

at the time of hospitalization.

Later it became more obvious.

One of

the fishermen, who revealed remarkable hematological disturbances,

died from liver damage.

During follow-up studies elevated values of




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