indicate some of the problems that can bo prolitay ly
in this arena, and also somo of tho probloms that can
makinz use of the fact that the area is contaminated
active materinai--in cthor words,

using these radioactive matorial:

as a teol in placing the movement of materinis in the
throvan various live cycles,
Gur principal objectives have boon to determine the dosree
to which particular plants and animals concontrate

active materinis or to waich they are contaminated
nature of such contamination;

that is, whether 1%

surrace contamination, or whothev it is material

actually been motabolizned and whieh is contained in tho tissues.

Associated with these ovjcetives, we also wo
Ceternine the inumediate seurce ovr the sourcos of

activity to the various organisms;

that is, are ¢


the matorial from wWiat they cat, or are they Getting it divectly
Irom tho water.
As far as tha fish arc concorned end most


importancs only duving the very short period arte


brates, tho matter of getting it from the wator is probably of
he initial


Another objective is to determine what the redistribution

of the radioactivity is as time goes by in the lagcon., Tren,


finally, sone linited studics on ronopulation, ro-

duvasion of arens that have boon cacimated,

Select target paragraph3