Prohable results of exposure:
Healthy population;
8kin lesions in high dose group - erythema, epilation, perhaps

ulceration depending on bete exposure, if ulceration occurs plastic repair
way be needed,

General acute subscute effects:
Moderate lymphopenia, fluctuating granulocytes for 5 - 7 days,

and then moderate granulopenia, within 7 - 8 days moderate thrombopenia,
anemia slight.

Serious signs and symptoms unlikely.

Diseased population:

If animal studies of Bond, Shechmeister, etc. on chronically

infected animal colonies pertain to man, 100 - 200 r can be expected to
flare up infectious processes and the radiation syndrome can be expected:
to be mich more severe vith death probable in some.

Existing chronic tbc, amebic, or other ulcers may vell become
If radiation ulcers develop in the leukopenia phase, infection

may be difficult to control and may be a portal of.entry for fatal infection.

Select target paragraph3