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Fabrication of Slugs for H-10 Loading of a Hanford Pile


Mr. Cook pointed out that if the Commission wished to go ahead
with the proposed H-10 loading of the Hanford C pile the fabrication
of U~235 slugs would have to be started in the immediate future. He
added that there was not much spare metal for this purpose and that
such a loading would tie up a great deal of weapon level oralloy. After
further discussion the Commission:

a. AUTHORIZED the fabrication of U-235 into slugs in

preparation for an H~-10 type loading of the Hanford C pile,

b. NOTED that further Commission approval would be requested before actual joading.

Timing of Operation CASTLE

General Fields elaborated on the comments made by Dr. Bradbury
at his meeting with the Commissioners (see Meeting No. 776) and in

his letter of November 28, 1952 (See AEC 597/2). He felt that this pro-

blem should be explored in general terms with the MLC in order to
put them on notice as a postponement of CASTLE will involve administrative problems for the Task Force.

AEC 262/78 ~ Reimbursement of Certain Items Under DuPont


Mr. Dean said that the language of Paragraph da of Appendix ‘'A"’
to the paper was subject to several interpretations and therefore should

be revised.

After further discussion, the Commission:

a. APPROVED reimbursement to the DuPont Company for

payments made to DuPont employees assigned to the Savannah
River or Dana piants, in unusual hardship cases due to personal
real estate losses sustained in disposing of their homes;
b. NOTED that the Commission decision on a above is subject
to the acceptance by the DuPont Company of the criteria and
limitations set forth in Paragraph 4 a to ad of Appendix “A, re~
vised in accordance with the discussion at the meeting;
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