oy the underground shot, Mr, Libby said he strongly suggested
chat the undergornd shot not be eliminated from the test series
and said he was convinced there is no veal danger that the shot

vould cause an earthquake, The knowledge gained fxom tuis shot
alone, Mr, Libby saic, would be of greater future importance
chan that gained from ell other shots in the series, He said ne
lid not believe this particular shot could be successfully

zarried cut in the Pacific, because the coral structure oi the

atolls differs greatly from the soil structure in the U.S.
wr, Libby added that he believed seismologists should continue
zo be consulted about the possible effects of an underground
shot, but that the letter to the President should nct indicate

any uncertainty about this shot being carried out, The Comnissioners agreed to delete izom the letter the word ‘'tentative’’
38 it refers to the underground shot.
The Commissioners then discussed and agreed upon

several revisions to the press release on Operation PILGRIM,
wr, Strauss requested that a statement be included to the effect
hat high yield weapors of the type tested at Eniwetok FP roving
2rounds are not tested in Nevada, They also agreed that the
-eference to the use of captured balloons during the test
operation should be deleted from the press release. The
~ommissioners also discussed the amount of press coverage
vhich should be permitted for Operation PILGRiM and agreed
hat the press release should indicate that there will be limited
m-site press coverage,

They requested that recommendations

om this subject be submitted later, Mr, wurray said he believed
."rangements should be made for press attendance at as many
shots as possible,


The Commissioners next discussed the problem of

allout as it relates to Operation PILGRIM and the radiological

afety criteria for the Nevada Test Site, s.r, .wiurray suggested

hat rather than state in the public announcementthat ‘'Every
-ffort will be made to limit fallout on populated areas around
he test site so that radiation exposure to the public will not

“xceed 3.9 reoentgens in any one year.’’; that the announcement

tate simply that fallout will be limited so that radiavion expcsure
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Select target paragraph3