some doubt about the Commission's sincerity in promoting con-

struction of reactors by industry. Mr, w.urray referred to the
probable completion of the Shippingport reactor in 1957-t:ree

years after construction began-aad said he vould like the stalf

to consider the feasibility of establishing 1960 as completion
date for third round reactors.

Vir. Vance suggested that it might be more desirable
to consider establishing a deadline for commencing the con-

struction of reactors under the third round rather than a completion
date, He pointed out that some reacters can be constructed in

three years while others will take five years to construct.
The Commissioners requested that the staff consider establishing
both a deadline for commencing construction of reactors and
a deadline for their compietion as well as the earliest feasible
dates for these deadlines.
Mr, murray then said he believed it would be advisable
to include in third round contracts an option under which AEC
may purchase the plant if it were not proceeding satisfactorily.
Mr, Strauss requesied that the staff include consideration of
this suggestion in their study.

The Commissioners then approved in principle and as
revised by the above discussion, the proposals set forth in

AEC 152/74 for the nuclear power program.

AEC 944/4 - Proposed Test Plans for Calender Year 1957
Under consideration by the Commission was a draft letter

:o the President requesting his approval of Operation PILGRIM

and a press release on the test series, (See AEC 944/4,)

war, Strauss referred to the proposed underground shot

scheduled for Operation PILGRIu and said that in a conversation
vith mr, Bradbury earlier in the day, “sr, Bradbury had expressed
soncern about this shot. wr, Bradbury had indicated that if an
zarthquake occurred within 24 hours after the underground shot
vere detonated, it would be impossibie to correct the impression

on the part of many people that the earthquake had been caused
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