Mr, Libby alse said that furthes encouragement needed to
»e given to private industry to enter the chemical processing
ivir, Strauss and mr, Libby agreed that the development
of a plutonium-burning reactor should be aa important part of
the reactor development program and that, in developing a
watural uranium reactor, companies shouid not be restricted
‘9 using heavy water as the moderator,
Mr, Vance referred to the $130,000,000 which the
2resident had said AEC might request for reactor projects

vhich private industry does not underteke, and inquired whether
£ would be possible to use a part of the $130,000,000 for research
ind development purposeé rather than for the actual construction
o£ reactors, Mr. Strauss said he believed that this probably
vould be possible, wir, Vance also recommended that the building
£ additional pressurized water reactors be encouraged, He
-dded that he believed such action is the surest method of
.chieving economic nuclear power in the shortest time.
Mr. Murray indicated that he concurred with uur, Strauss’
-roposals incofar as they contribute to a broader program of
.tomic power development. He said, however, that he believed

‘wh even more extensive program should be undesiakern, Mr, murray
iso said he would not wish to restrict the number of types of
‘eactors which may be built or prevent several reactors of the
‘ame type being constructed. Nr. Strauss said he had not
ntended to prevent approval of proposals which were similar
> reactors already approved, He suggetted that in considering
he staff paper concerning the third sound of the power
emonstration reactor program, the Commission ensure that no
uch restrictions are included,

Mr, waurray then said he believed that the completion
ate for reactors proposed under a third round of the Power
Jemonstration Reactor Program should be 1960 rather than

762 as suggested by Mr. Strauss. wr. Strauss said he belicved
uch a date would be unrealistic and, therefore, might create
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