
AEC 777/27 ~ Proposed Third Round Power Demonstration
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N.r, Cook pointed out that AEC 777/27 was being zevised to

state that $2,090,000 would be provided for the third round of

the Power Demonstration Reactor Program during FY 1957

AEC 152/74 - Proposals for Nuclear Power Program

Mr, Strauss presented to the other Commissioners for their
ztonsideration an eight point program for accelerating the developnent of atomic power in the U.S., and recommended that the Comnission approve these recommendations in principle, Mr. Strauss
vad originally outlined this program ina speech before the American
Nuclear Society on December I, 1956,

Mr, Libby discussed with wir, Strauss ceveral suggestions
encerning his recommendations, Mr, Libby pointed out, first,
nat it would be desirable to integrate the foreign nuclear power
evelopment program with the U.S, nuclear power program. He

uggested that the staff be instructed to develop a policy which would

rake it possible for the U.S. to offer comprehensive arrangements
or all assistance foreign countries need to design, construct and
perate power reactors.
Second, he suggested thet greater emphasis be placed on

ressurized water reactors in the over-all power ~eactor developent program,

Third, he questioned whether there would be sufficient funds
‘ailable to carry out the program proposed by Mr, Strauss.
Fourth, he said he believed that prior BOB concursence
auld be necessary before AEC could authorize a waiver or reduction
use charges for leasing nuclear fuel for commercial reattors, a8
vr, Strauss had suggested, mr, Strauss replied that it would be
visable to have BOB concurrence, but thet he did not velieve it to

a legal requirement, Mr, Mitchell confirmed that BOB concurrence
not legally required,
- 783 -

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