Meeting with Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Mr. Strauss said that representatives of the Pacific Gas and
Llectric Company were mecting with Viv. Tarnmaro and iir, Fields
:o discuss the possible construction of a reactor in the 100 megawat


10th Anniversary Statement
Mr, Strauss said that or Deten:ber 31, 1955, the AEC will

iave completed its 10th year of operation and that it would be

ppropriate to issue a public statement reviewing the achievements
£ AEC during the past decade, The cther Commissioners agreed
hat this would be desirable and requested the Director of Inforaation Services and the Secretary to prepare such a statement,

Letter from N\.URA President

Mr, Vance reported that he had received a letter from
r. John Williams, President of MURA, indicating that the MURA

oard of Directors favors a cooperative arrangement with the

rgonne National Laboratory and hopes to achieve as soon as

ossible a mutually satisfactory plan for the development of a

urge research accelerator, (See AEC 827/30.) He added that

"r. Williams will be on sabbatical leave from January to April

157 and that during his absence Professor H, R. Crane of the
niversity of \.ichigan, Department of Physics, will act as
hairman of the MURA Executive Committee,

Director for ANL

Nr, Libby reported that during the previous week he had
et with N.r, Frederick Seitz of the University of Illinois regarding
Ԥ possible appointment as Director of ANL. Mr. Libby said that
r, Seitz had seemed moderately interestcd in the position, but
at he had not yet indicated whether he would accept it,
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