of AEC, the steff later withdrew its insistence that the cale of
heavy water depends upon the conclusion of an agreement with

safeguard provisicns, In answe~ to 2a question by Mr, Murray,
Mr. Vogel said thut a power veector-tvpe bilei2zral agreoment
with Sweden is nov in preperation.
After further discussion, the Commission:

a. Determined that the sale of 26 metric tons of
heavy water to Sweden is in the interest of the national
security, and approved the sale of this quantity to
Sweden subject to contract of sale which will be in the
form of Appendix '’A'’ to AEC 949;
b. Noted that prior to the execution of the contract

of sale an assurance will be obtained from the Government of Sweden that the heavy water shall be for use
only in Sweden by Atomenergi in connection with
civilian reactors and shall be retained by Atomenergi
and not resold or otherwise distributed;

c. Noted that the Goverrment of Sweden will be
advised that the Commission expects that all future

sales of this kind (i.e., sale of heavy water for use

in a power reactor) will bé executed pursuant to the

terms and conditions of the power agreement which

is now under negotiation between the United States
and Sweden, and inat the Siafi will discuss with

Swedish representatives inclusion in the contract
of sale a provision that the terms and conditions

of any agreement for coopexation relating to power

reactors subsequently entered into between Sweden

and the U.S. will apply to this sale;

d. Noted that the Staff currently is preparing
a study on the general policies thet should govern
the distribution of heavy water to foreign countries
in the future;
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