b. Approved the sale of 12 tons of heavy water to
Norway within the context of the bilateral power
c, Agreed to recommend to the President of the
UnitedStates that he &pprove the proposed Agreement for Cooperation, determine that its performance

will premote and will not consticute an unreasonable
risk te the common defense and security, and authorize
its execution;

d, Noted that the Chairman, er the Acting Chairman

will sign the attached Agreement for Cooperation for
the Commission;

e. Noted that the Agreement for Coeperation with

the Government of Norway attached as the Appendix

to AEC 947/1 will be submitted to the Joint Committec
on Atomic Energy in accordance with statutory

requirements, and that the JCAE will be edvised at
the same time of the proposed eale of heavy water

within the contex of the Agreement; and

f, Noted that AEC 947/1 is unclassified.

AEC 949 ~ Proposed Sale of Heavy Water to Sweden

Mz, Vogel reviewed a recommendation that 26 metric tons
of heavy water be sold to Sweden for use ina district heating
reactor, He pointed out that in negotiations during the spring

of 1956, the staff had indicated to Swedish representatives

that this sale could be concluded without a bila‘eral agreement.
Later it had been decided that safeguard prcvisions should be
applied to reactors for which the U.S. provided moderator
materials and, therefore, the staff had attempted to induce
Sweden to conclude a bilateral agreement with safeguard provisions before AEC would approve the sale of heavy water.
Since this matter became a question of good faith on the part
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