
ICA Funding of the Fereign Fewer Pregram

Mr, Strauss reported that in a telephone conversation
earlier in the day with the Dire:tor of the BOB, he and
wax, Brundage had clarified their understanding of ICA's role
in the fereign power program and how foreign operations
funds were to be handled, Mr, Strauss said that ICA would
be responsible only for funding and disbursement and that
AEC would be responsible for all operational activities of
the foreign power program. He added that he had dispatched
a memorandum to Mr, Brundage confirming this understanding.

(See AEC 854/16.)


AEC 460/32 ~ Preposal for Inter-American Symposium on
the Peaceiul Uses of Atomic Energy

The Cornmissieners censidered preliminary plans and
recommendations for the covening of an Inter~American Scientific
Symposium on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy to take place

during 1957,


After discussion, the Commission;

a. Approved the plans as outlined in AEC 460/32 for

conducting a five-day Inter-American Symposium on the
Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy during May 1957 at
Brookhaven National Laboratory, followed by tours of
various Government, industry, and university facilities;

b. Approved the expenditure of $50,000 to cover
AEC's share of the costs for conducting the Symposium

and printing and reproduction of abstracts and Symposium
papers, contingent upon the provision by or through the
Department of State of funds to cover thebalance of

costs (items b and c in paragraph 9 of surmary of

AEC 460/32);

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Select target paragraph3