
The zn65 peak at 1.12 MEV occurred in every tissue sample tested,
indicating the common occurrence of this isotope compared with other
gamma emitters.

This radioisotope has been observed in fish tissues

by many authors,

as summarized by Lowman et al. (1957).


data from this Laboratory are given in Table 4.

The Coo? peak of 0.12 MEV was present in the liver of all fish

tated. however, it

appears to be


omnivorous fish taken at Rongelap Island.

low in the liver

tissue of

This radioisotope was not

detected in goatfish gut or goatfish bone, but occurred in small amounts
in goatfish muscle.

No distinct peak at 0.12 MEV appeared in the

muscle tissue of reef fish or in halfbeaks taken at Kabelle Island.

The peak of Mn°4, at 0.84 MEV, was partially obscured by the Co58
peak at 0.81 MEV.

One or both

of these radioisotopes

present in the muscle and liver of reef fish from

appeared to be

Enibuk Island, in

muscle and liver of halfbeaks from Kabelle Island,


and possibly were

present in the muscle of reef fish from Kabelle Island.

Verification of

the presence of both of these isotopes in Enibuk reef fish liver was later

obtained by ion-exchange resin column analysis (see below).

The Co0 peak at 1.17 MEV was obscured by the Zn§9 peak at 1.12
MEV; however, the C050 peak at 1.33 MEV was observed in

the liver

and muscle of Kabelle goatfish and in the liver of Rongelap omnivorous

The presence of Co60 was also later verified by ion-exchange

analysis of Enibuk reef fish liver.


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