might have been an Army contractor).

Whereas as the same time Douglass

was busy with calculations on wind tunnel tests to show that the pods
could be carried by the Thor without serkeusky being detrimental to the

The AEC laboratories, particularly in Los Alamos, as a result of experience
gained during Hardtack and earlier were convinced that good optical coverage
of the event would also produce information of value to the radar attenuation


Thus, Heetandts group at Los Alamos with the assistance of a

great number of other people in the laboratory, began to plan and prepare
is optical coverage from Johnston Island from Haleakla and from an aircraft,
$iold number 136.

This coverage was to eventually provide some of the most

valuable =ppa information to come out of the operation.
preparing for a number of other effects.

DASA was also

While the pre-shot predictions for

Dominic as to effects were in general very poor, nevertheless,

it was

recognized that some of the material for some of the higher shots would
follow the field

lines of the earth's magnetic field and the question of

where they went and what the phenomenology there was was pertinent.


DASA had to arrange through its contractors for instrumentation at some of
the more remote southern islands.
*Passeg. Samoa, Christmas

They had optical stations from Tongafe>» Fe) ty

Island, and others.

A corresponding job for the

Task Force was to arrange with the appropriate foreign nations for sites
and support for these experiments.

It was also necessary for the Task Force

to describe to these remote islanders some of the effects to be expected so

as to attempt to prevent fear and ued actions on their part.

As an aside,

it turned out to be necessary to offer free air shipping for a couple of
124's full of paint for American Samoa in order to get the local government's
full cooperation there.

This paint was required in order to pretty up the

village of Pago-Pago for the forthcoming pacific island governors conference.

Select target paragraph3