During this same period of time, appropriate considerations concerning the
devices to be detonated in high altitude shots were taking place.


IT was


essentially mandatory that the devices be steek-béund weapons that had been

Now I've forgotten a point and | guess we have to go back to the

books to find out, but I'll say it the way |
of King Fish is wrong.

remember it.

| guess my memory

Anyway, the desire was to have at least one moderately

clean device to check out the difference bekween in radar attenuation effects
between devices with a large amount of fission and devices With

Entering into these questions were the considerations of whether

the laboratories could furnish the devices required with appropriate fusing
changes and whether those devices would take the accelerations furnished by
the Thor missile.

Thus, discussions were held between the task force staff,

Starboard, Ogle, Schuster and others, and the


including Sandia,

and the DOD personnel responsible for the experiments on the shots, mainly

Eventually, the following warheads were agreed upon:

point of me listing them here because !'I|l get them
look them up in the books.

there is no

wrong, we'll have to

During this same period of time, experimental

program for the high altitude shots was being designed and put together.
While the main purpose of the shots were to investigate the effects of high
altitude detonations,
tt was recognized that a number of other
effects were also important and could be investigated at the same time.
Primary amongst these was the desire to obtain genuine x-ray abt¢lation effects
measurements on possible rv materials.

The prime method of determining these

quantities is thru the use of three pods to be attached to each missile.
These pods would be released during flight at such a time as to be the proper
distance from the detonation at the time of detonation.

The pods design and

construction itself was carried out by DASA contractors (better check that it


Select target paragraph3