All ef tle ehamical fume neods ip Signe Building wore eheaked for adequacy
of alr flov ani resamendstions vere neds to improve those found wsstisfastery.

The welding operation presented « nev ventilsticn preblen end phages ware re| Viewed emi approved fur « neod for this purposes is lees DZ af Sign Brilding.
A staty vee unde at TA 33 to datermine the air concentguiions of beryllim

predosed ty the operation of the ney method X meckine. This mekine, valeh is
wed to out belles of a variety of shapes is beryllium ant cther metals, was
Sound te preduse eeneentruticns of beryilias ic emens of the resomentei

maxim permiasibie conssmtretion. ‘The anskine was aeved anf leested in a

paint-epray beeth whlch predmeed vestilstion adequate to eeutrol ‘he beryllim

While this is a teamperery expedient, the operation itealf is ast yet

ctendardive< wef will prokebly be ahenged comcidevedly.

Palloving this, parme-

newt vemiilatien equipment wil) be installed.
Periedis sumpling fer THT and bariir. was comtimoed st 5 Bite. In addition,
considerencie time has heen devoted te stuiies on theriu: eperves and vesilie-

end dat

Lok Cal


tion at toe mew plstic lime.

The new analytical labarutary at 3-33 has been

end eapecial fuse “oods sare recomende: for ths sclrest exposures there.
Maph werk has bees devoted to the desige ani _ueeet ef ammpling instre

mguts for future veapen tests.

A sigh volume alestrostetic precipitater has

bgen deaiguet ont built and preliminary tests inileste tmat it will werk ot air

| valumes greatly in ascens of existing wits. A Vemturi servbber similar to
Ubece wood in statying stusepieris pallution prediens in Lev imgules bas boon

dexigned and is under censtrostion. TN is heped thet thie wait will pernit
empling fer purtiodlate estter at high atr Olew rates. Various ether wits
ere buing modified and testes for uss om these eperctions.

Aip cumpling ent

fall-out catebers are being used to deteruine warther pertienlate matter is

reashing Los Alamos fron the Pasific tests. ‘To date, nothing hes been obtained




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Select target paragraph3