The suaty of puriphare) Slsed of rudbits to determine the nintee
doeage ef gum yediaticn upeseuary to uring about masleer changes in the

lymphoaytes ip centinaing.

Misuslented lymphocytes continues te cesur on the

bleod slides. Retistion bes been dissemtimeni os 5 entenls and the peripheral
hbheoed will be ssscumted as usual te determine the tine it tales te return te

{The remaining 5 ave reestving } r par week (‘etal bedy aupesure).
Preperetions are being unde to rus total Eitregens op wiles ond

thymmses on CF female mies to radiation.
The majority ef eur time fer tbe past mewth hes Deen taken @ witb
secistance in the gemaral histelegios) pregeram whieh is now ip progress.

3. Morne
The hametalegionl study eanceruing the iusidepse of albmermal lyaphoaytes


in the peripheral bleod ef workers i» the dare Grew, du te gums redistian,
is centinning.




i. Coemiatry
1. Bemerice2
4. 2. Remeto and i. Murrey attended « meeting of the meericesn Chanieal

Weiety st Seearre, lev Mexiec.

De. T. J. Raley, of the Radiation Leloretery at UCld, spent o morning
with tals section.


Tve conferences ware held vith Dr. J. \. MeKibben, Pal, om the chenistry

4f orgemio fllne as relsted to oush « fils when presest os « cuntenination on the

Van de Great? neskine.
A quantity ef uitremsthanes was purified ani delivered te IK. S. Janam, Pol.

A mali quastity ef pyrene was purified fur T. S. Hendals, #3.



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